Events in 2019 (150th anniversary of the postcard)
All events celebrating the 150 years of postcards that we learned about are listed below.
- 58 meetups
- 11 postcard exhibitions
- 8 special cancellation marks
- 8 workshops
- 6 seminars
- 4 commemorative postcards issued by post offices
- 3 guided tours
- 2 postage stamps
Åland Islands
Postcrossing meeting in Godby
8 October 2019
Åland Islands postcrossers got together in the countryside to have dinner and write some postcards, which were sent the next day and featured the special Stamp Day cancellation mark. More information on this forum thread.
Postcrossing meetingStationery discount
30 September - 10 October 2019
To celebrate the 150th anniversary of postcards, Åland Post webshop offered a 20% discount on postcards, postal stationery and maximum cards.
Postal stationery
1 October 2019
Austrian Post issued a postal card to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the first postcard.
On that day, a special cancellation mark featuring the portrait of Emanuel Herrmann was also made available at the Austrian Association of Philatelic Clubs, in Vienna.
Postal stationery Cancellation mark
Postcrossing meeting in Vienna
5 October 2019
Postcrossers got together in Vienna to visit the grave of Emanuel Herrmann, the inventor of the postcard!
Postcrossing meetingBelarus
Postcrossing meeting in Minsk
6 October 2019
Postcrossers in Minsk got together at the "Strana Mini" Museum on October 6th, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of postcards!
Postcrossing meetingFree postage and postcards
1 October 2019
On October 1st, several post offices in Belarus offered special art postcards and free domestic postage to visitors to the post office, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of postcards.
Commemorative postcard Free postageBelgium
Postcrossing meeting in Brussels
5 October 2019
A Postcrossing meeting is took place in Brussels! The local postcrossers met at the central station, shopped for postcards and had a meal together at Le Roy d'Espagne, in a relaxed environment.
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting in Antwerp
1 October 2019
Postcrossers in Antwerp got together at the Wijnegem Shopping Center to grab a bite and enjoy some time together at the end of the day.
Postcrossing meetingBrazil
Postal Museum in Brasília
24 September 2019 — 5 October 2019
The Museu Nacional dos Correios organized a series of thematic events to celebrate the 150th anniversary of postcards:
- 24 September — 27 October 2019: A collection of architecture-themed postcards from the museum's archives was exhibited.
- 1 October 2019: From 2:30pm onwards, a seminar was held at the museum's auditorium, with the theme "Postcards, from communication objects to history documents". It has featured several participants, including postcrosser Jorge Lara, historian and museologist Andrea Considera, librarian Camila Alves de Sena and historian and postal administrator Romulo Salvino.
- 5 October 2019: Brazil Post's Philatelic Department held a workshop of philately and deltiology
Postcrossing meeting in São Paulo
6 October 2019
A Postcrossing meeting took place in São Paulo, at the Livraria Cultura. It had the participation of Mr. José Carlos Daltozo, who wrote a reference book about the history of picture postcards in Brazil.
Postcrossing meeting SeminarPostcrossing meeting in Rio de Janeiro
5 October 2019
Rio de Janeiro postcrossers have met at historical Confeitaria Colombo on a Saturday afternoon, to chat, sign some postcards and share their Postcrossing experiences.
Postcrossing meetingCanada
Postcrossing meeting in Toronto
1 October2019
Postcrossers in the Toronto area had a little get-together in the evening of October 1st, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of postcards in their city. More information on this forum thread.
Postcrossing meetingChina
Postcrossing meeting in Hefei
28th September 2019
Local postcrossers in Hefei (Anhui province) got together to celebrate both their country's 70th anniversary and the 150th anniversary of postcards. More information on this forum thread.
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting in Tianjin
28th September 2019
In the city of Tianjin, postcrossers got together to chat, meet new friends and write some postcards in each other's company.
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting in Wuhan
28th September 2019
Postcrossers in Wuhan (Hubei province) got together in a special celebratory meeting that combined the celebrations of China's 70th anniversary and the 150th anniversary of postcards. More information here.
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting in Shenyang
28th September 2019
Postcrossers in Shenyang (Liaoning province) met on their local IKEA to celebrate the happiness that postcards bring to their lives! You can find all the details on this forum thread.
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting in Taiyuan
1 October 2019
Postcrossers have met in Taiyuan (Shanxi province) to celebrate the 150 years of the postcard and China's National Day.
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting and postcard exhibition in Wuxi
1 October 2019
A meeting and postcard exhibition was jointly organized by the Wuxi Library and the Wuxi Philatelic Association (in Jiangsu province), to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the People's Republic of China, as well as the 150th anniversary of postcards. The postcard exhibition took place in the lobby of the Wuxi Library during the month of October, while the meeting took place on October 1st.
Postcrossing meeting ExhibitionPostcrossing meeting in Beijing
1 October 2019
Postcrossers in Beijing met at the Wudaokou Universe Center, to chat, write postcards and celebrate the 150th anniversary of postcards, as well as China's National Day! More information on this thread.
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting in Shanghai
1 October 2019
Shanghai postcrossers got together to chat and write some postcards in the early afternoon.
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting in Xiamen
1 October 2019
Postcrossers in Xiamen got together at 荏苒1930’ in Siming District to write some special postcards together and enjoy the day. To know more, please visit this thread.
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting in Dalian
1 October 2019
A get together of postcrossers was organized in Dalian (Liaoning province), so that the local community could meet, chat and write some postcards together. More information on this forum thread.
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting in Suzhou
1 October 2019
Postcrossers in Suzhou (Anhui province) organized a meetup at the local post office to read, share postcard history and write some postcards together. More information can be found here.
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting in Qingdao
1 October 2019
Postcrossers in Qingdao (Shandong province) got together from 11:30am at the HNA Wanbang Starbucks to chat and write some postcards together. Check out this forum thread.
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting in Zhengzhou
1 October 2019
Local Zhengzhou (Henan province) postcrossers have met to write some postcards. More on this forum thread for more details.
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting in Changzhou
2 October 2019
Postcrossers in Changzhou (Jiangsu province) have met at the Dare bookstore in Xinbei district to spend some time together, chat and write postcards.
Postcrossing meetingFaroe Islands
Postcard sending + contest
30 September 2019 – 2 October 2020
Faroe Post had a special service in which it was possible to send a postcard from the Faroe Islands to a friend with the cancellation mark of October 1st. All postcards sent between 30th September and 2nd October, 2020 entered in a draw for a Faroese sheepskin rug.
Finnish Postal Museum (Tampere)
13 August 2019 – 12 January 2020
The Postal Museum had a series of events and exhibitions that featured postcards prominently:
- 13 August – 3 November 2019: Small exhibition telling stories about old buildings in Tampere from a private postcard collection consisting of 91 postcards.
- 14 September 2019: The Finnish Postal Museum presented the history of postcards in the postcard festival “Stories of Postcards” organized by the Finnish Postcrossing Friends association. In this event the Postal Museum also collects significant memories about postcards and letters from the visitors.
- 17 – 18 September 2019: Guided tours and workshops about the history of postcards for primary school children.
- 5 November 2019 – 12 January 2020: Small exhibition about the Christmas postcard art of the Finnish artist Virpi Pekkala.

Postcrossing meeting in Seinäjoki, Finland
5 October 2019
Postcrossers in Seinäjoki have meet at the Café Herkkukontti to chat and celebrate the 150th anniversary of postcards!
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting in Tampere
5 October 2019
In Tampere, postcrossers got together at the Museum Center Vapriikki. They sent their postcards from there to receive a special museum cancellation mark.
Postcrossing meetingFrance
Postcrossing meeting in Paris
5 October 2019
In Paris, postcrossers from different countries got together to celebrate the 150 years of the postcard.
Postcrossing meetingGermany
Museum for Communications Berlin
21 August 2019 – 5 January 2020
An exhibition about the history of postcards was held in the Museum of Communication Berlin. With over 600 postcards, it told the story of the emergence, development and diversity of a medium. The focus was on the practice of collecting, as well as very special pieces from the collection of the Post and Telecommunications Museum Foundation.
Additionally, a special postmark was made available on the exhibition opening day, and during a
Postcrossing meeting
that take place on October 1st.
Meetup attendants enjoyed a guided tour through the commemorative exhibition, and then sit down and wrote postcards together.
Postcard exhibition in Sibesse
27 September - 6 October 2019
Postcrosser Holger Schütte organized a postcard exhibition in his hometown of Sibesse, in Lower Saxony. Thousands of postcards were displayed in a barn on Kurze Halbe 28, Sibesse, where the exhibition was opened daily.
ExhibitionPostcard story reading at Hugendubel Bookstore, Leipzig
1 October 2019
Book publisher KochDialog e. K. organized a short reading of their
books of postcard stories
at Hugendubel Bookstore, in Peterstr. Leipzig. The event took place at 5pm, when the writers of the stories were present to read them.
Afterwards there was a cozy get-together in the bookshop to write postcards, drink coffee, eat cake and celebrate the 150th birthday of postcards.
Postcrossing meeting in Athens
6 October 2019
A Postcrossing meeting was organized in Athens, in the Monastiraki neighborhood. It included postcard shopping in kiosks and tourist shops, and then a sit down in a café to write some postcards together.
Postcrossing meetingHong Kong
Postcrossing meeting in Hong Kong
18 October 2019
Later in October, local Hong Kong postcrossers organized a small get-together at Foodies Market to commemorate the 150th anniversary of postcards.
Postcrossing meetingHungary
Commemorative stamp sheet
May 2019
The Hungarian Post celebrated both the bicentenary of the birth of Mihály Gervay and the 150th anniversary of the first postcard in a commemorative stamp sheet. Gervay was the first postmaster of the independent Hungarian Post, and also postmaster general at the time the first postcard was issued. The sheet issued in May features a portrait painting by György Vastagh Senior, with the two stamps showing the two versions of the Correspondenz-Karte in Hungarian and German.
Postage stampIndonesia
Postcrossing meeting in Cirebon
5 October 2019
Postcrossers in Indonesia met at the Cirebon Post Office to celebrate the 150th anniversary of postcards, as well as the anniversary of their community.
Postcrossing meetingIreland
Postcard exhibition at the General Post Office
1 October - 10 November 2019
An Post showcased a number of postcards from their collection on a display beside the café in their Witness History visitor centre in Dublin’s General Post Office. The display was titled "Wish you were here – celebrating 150 years of the postcard 1869-2019" and entry to this part of the visitor centre in the GPO was free.
Free postage for postcards
1 October 2019
Post of Kosovo offered free postage on all postcards sent on October 1st, from seven post offices around the country. Don't miss it!
Free postageMacao
Commemorative postcard and cancellation mark
1 October 2019
Macao Post and Telecommunications set up a Temporary Post Counter at the Philatelic Shop of General Post Office and the Communications Museum on 1st October 2019, from 9:00 to 17:30. They distributed a commemorative postcard to the public and also provide a special postmark cancellation service to celebrate the 150th anniversary of postcards.
Commemorative postcard Cancellation markMoldova
Postcard exhibition at the Central Post Office
4 October 2019
An exhibition made with postcards from postcrossers took place at the Chisinau Central Post Office on October 4th, along with an International Postcrossing meetup that weekend.
Exhibition Postcrossing meetingNetherlands
Postcrossing meeting in Amsterdam
1 October 2019
A Postcrossing meeting took place in Amsterdam, around the Central Station area.
Postcrossing meetingNorway
Postcrossing meeting in Lillestrøm
1 October 2019
Oslo region postcrossers got together to visit Normann Aune, Norway's biggest publisher of postcards. They toured the facilities, learned about the history of the company and were given the opportunity to ask all their postcard-related questions!
Postcrossing meetingPhilippines
Postcard exhibition at the CVM/IAS Communal Library
1 – 4 October 2019
Postcrossing member Leila (aka Kewl) prepared a postcard exhibition at her University's communal library for the colleges of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture & Food Science. Most of the postcards were from her own collection and featured animal and food themes, to match the subjects that this library focuses on.
Postcard exhibition
Postcrossing meeting in Wrocław
5 October 2019
Postcrossers in Wrocław got together at the Post and Telecommunications Museum to celebrate the 150th anniversary of postcards! There was a special designed postcard, and also a commemorative postmark.
Postcrossing meeting Cancellation mark
Postcrossing meeting in Warsaw
12 October 2019
Warsaw postcrossers visited the Postcard Cabinet at the Museum of Warsaw, where they learned about postcards from the 19th century and the interwar period. Afterwards, they visited the main Post Office where a special counter was dedicated just to them. There was a special designed postcard, and also a commemorative postmark.
Postcrossing meeting Cancellation markPortugal
Commemorative Cancellation Mark
1 October 2019
The Portuguese Post (CTT) made available a special cancellation mark that celebrated the 150th anniversary of the first postcard. It featured a portrait of Emanuel Herrmann, the inventor of the postcard and was accessible at the Museum of Communications, in Lisbon.
Cancellation mark
Mailart workshop at the Communications Museum
1 October 2019
The Museum invited schools to attend a special workshop, where children were introduced to the concept of mail art, had the opportunity of visiting one of the museum's exhibitions, and could then create their own postcards to send to friends or family. A temporary post office was set up for the day, with a special cancellation mark.
Postcrossing meeting in Mafra
6 October 2019
Postcrossers have meet in front of the Palace of Mafra (now a UNESCO heritage site) to celebrate the 150 years of the postcard and have a picnic. Many postcards were written and sent.
Postcrossing meetingRussia
Postcrossing meeting in Chita
1 October 2019
Local postcrossers in Chita got together in the afternoon to celebrate the 150th anniversary of postcards.
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting in Tambov
27 September 2019
A Postcrossing meetup took place at the Museum and exhibition center of Tambov University. The organizer of the meeting created a "carpet of friendship" with pieces of fabric sent to her from all over the world, and which was showcased at this event. More information here.
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting in Nizhny Novgorod
29 September 2019
Postcrossers in Nizhny Novgorod have met at the Regional Public Children's Library to chat, eat birthday cake, show off their favorite postcards and do some postcard decorations together.
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting in Sarov
1 October 2019
Local postcrossers in Sarov have met at Natasha's villa to celebrate the 150th anniversary of postcards. For more information, check this forum thread.
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting in Stary Oskol
1 October 2019
Postcrossers in the city of Stary Oskol were together at Club Futurum to celebrate the 150th anniversary of postcards!
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting in Pskov
1 October 2019
Postcard enthusiasts gathered in Pskov to join the 150th postcard anniversary party! Please check the respective forum thread.
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting in Samara
6 October 2019
Local Samara postcrossers got together at the Coffee Cake café to celebrate this historical date. To learn more, check out this page.
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting in St. Petersburg
13 October 2019
A Postcrossing meeting was organized in St. Petersburg. Postcrossers got together to chat, write postcards, drink coffee and meet illustrator Elena Gnedkova, who attend the meeting as well.
Postcrossing meetingSerbia
Commemorative stamp
8 October 2019
In the context of the celebrations of Stamp Day and World Post Day, Post of Serbia issued a postage stamp to commemorate the 150th anniversary of the postal card. The design of the stamp was unveiled on October 8th, and there was a FDC and special cancellation mark available at Belgrade's Central Post Office.
Postage stamp Cancellation markSingapore
Commemorative postcard and exhibition
1-9 October 2019
Singapore Post released a postcard to commemorate the 150th anniversary of postcards on October 1st which available at the General Post Office's Philatelic Store and on their online store.
Between October 1 and 9, a postcard exhibition titled “Singapore through the years” was also showcased at the General Post Office. The displays included postcards showing Singapore’s past and present street scenes curated by Zui You Philatelic Society, and was a display of personal postcard collections from the Singapore Postcrossing Community.
Commemorative postcard ExhibitionSlovakia
Postcrossing meeting in Bratislava
5 October 2019
A Postcrossing meeting was organized in Bratislava, to celebrate not just the 150th anniversary of postcards, but also the 100th anniversary of the naming of Bratislava and the 100th anniversary of connecting Petržalka (on the left side of the Danube river) to Bratislava. The meeting included a boat ride in the river, to visit the ruins of Devín Castle.
Postcrossing meetingSlovenia
Commemorative Cancellation Mark
1 October 2019
The Slovene Post presented a special cancellation mark that celebrates the 150th anniversary of the first postcard! It was available for everyone to use on October 1st, at Ljubljana's Main Post Office.
Cancellation mark
Museum of Post and Telecommunications
6 October 2019
Slovenian Museum of Post and Telecommunications
held a children's workshop of letter and postcard writing using quill pens at 2pm. Starting at 3pm, there was a guided tour focusing on the exhibited philatelic material, where several postcards from the museum's collection were displayed.
2019 was also the year in which the 100th anniversary of the first Slovene stamp was celebrated!
Display at the Ateneu Barcelonès
October 2019
The Ateneu Barcelonès Cultural Centre (in Barcelona) had a public display celebrating the 150th anniversary of the postcard, and its arrival in Spain.
Children activity at the Postmuseum
28-29 September 2019
Children visiting the Postmuseum during the weekend were gifted a stamp and blank postcard, which they could decorate and send at the Lilla Posten (“The Little Postoffice”).
Postcrossing meeting in Buchberg
5 October 2019
Postcrossers in Buchberg have met to celebrate the 150th anniversary of postcards! Check out the information on this forum thread.
Postcrossing meetingTurkey
Commemorative postcards
October 2019
From October 1st onwards, Turkish postal operator PTT issued three different postcards with pre-printed postage, celebrating the 150th anniversary of postcards. The illustrated cards were available on post offices or through their online store.
Postal stationeryPostcrossing meeting in Bursa
6 October 2019
Postcrossers have met in Bursa, Mudanya, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of postcards as well as the World Post Day. More information on this forum thread.
Postcrossing meetingUkraine
Commemorative postcard
October 2019
Ukraine Post has issued a special commemorative postcard in October to mark the 150th anniversary of postcards, which was sold in post offices throughout the country and also online.
Postal stationeryPostcrossing meeting in Sevastopol
6 October 2019
Postcrossers in the Crimean Peninsula got together in Sevastopol, to chat, write postcards together and celebrate the 150th anniversary of postcards.
Postcrossing meetingUnited Kingdom
Royal Philatelic Society London
14 November 2019
Fellow of the Royal Philatelic Society London and postcard collector, John Scott, informed and entertain on the topic of the evolution of the postcard.
Postcard exhibition at the Special Collections Library
27 September - 3 October 2019
The Special Collections Library in Albuquerque, together with the New Mexico Postcard Club showcased some of their historical postcards in an exhibition at the library.
ExhibitionPostcrossing meeting in Washington, DC
28 September 2019
Postcrossers in Washington DC got together to visit the Newseum in the morning, and then headed over to the Postal Museum in the afternoon for some postcard writing!
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting in Edinburg, TX
1 October 2019
Postcrossers met at Starbucks in Edinburg on October 1st, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of postcards. More information on this forum thread.
Postcrossing meetingPostcard display at the Crown Point Community Library, IN
October 2019
The Indiana Room at the Crown Point Community Library celebrated the 150th anniversary of postcards by showcasing a display titled "So Much to See: Postcards Show us the World" on the history of the postcard and to view various postcards from around The Hub City.
ExhibitionPostcrossing meeting in Buffalo, NY
1 October 2019
Local postcrossers in Buffalo got together at the Lake Shore Public Library on the afternoon of October 2nd, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of postcards.
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing Through Space workshop
1 October 2019
The Space Foundation Discovery Center in Colorado Springs organized a Postcrossing-themed workshop where guests can make their own custom postcards to send to friends, family, or to people around the world by signing up with Postcrossing.
The workshop kicked off the celebrations for World Space Week which starts October 4th. Their new exhibit, Tech Style, opened on Saturday, October 5th and portions of the exhibit featured postcards from around the world as sent by Postcrossing members.
Workshop ExhibitionPostcrossing meeting in Pleasant Prairie, WI
1 October 2019
In Pleasant Prairie, a Postcrossing meetup was held at the local Starbucks. More information here.
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting in Plano, TX
5 October 2019
Postcrossers have met in Plano on October 5th, to spend time getting to know each other, share Postcrossing experiences, swap postcards, and sign and mail many postcards as well. More information on this forum thread.
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting in Renton, WA
5 October 2019
The Puget Sound Postcrossing Group has met at the Renton Library between 3 and 5pm. The library is built on a wide bridge over the Cedar River, so everyone was able to admire the architecture as well as chat and write postcards in good company.
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting in Minneapolis, MN
5 October 2019
A Postcrossing meetup took place at Luther House in the Dinkytown neighborhood of Minneapolis, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the postcard. More information is available on this forum thread.
Postcrossing meetingPostcardversary celebration at the Blacksburg Library
5 October 2019
The Blacksburg Library and the Montgomery-Floyd Regional Library in Virginia hosted an event at 200 Miller St, Blacksburg to celebrate the 150th anniversary of postcards! There was a short presentation about Postcrossing and then postcards were made and signed. Everyone is welcome!
Postcrossing meeting Workshop SeminarPostcrossing meetings in San Francisco Bay Area, CA
5 – 6 October 2019
Two Postcrossing meetups took place in the San Francisco Bay Area over the weekend. The first was in El Cerrito on October 5th, and the following day postcrossers have met in Burlingame. Some activities planned for the meetups include postcard signing, sharing personal favorite postcards and playing postcard related games.
Postcrossing meetingPostcrossing meeting in Montclair, CA
6 October 2019
Postcrossers in Montclair (Southern California) got together to celebrate the 150th anniversary of postcards.
Postcrossing meetingPostcarding History and Crafternoon in Monticello, WI
19 October 2019
The Monticello Public Library hosted an event to celebrate the 150th anniversary of postcards, which included a brief history presentation, crafting stations and an introduction to Postcrossing. All supplies were for participants to make their own postcards (including stamps).
WorkshopExhibition at the Nemaha Valley Museum, NE
October — November 2019
The Nemaha Valley Museum in Auburn, Nebraska displayed a small postcard exhibition to celebrate the 150th anniversary of postcards, curated by Postcrossing member BethKK.
Postcard display at the Natural History Museum
11 October 2019
On Friday 11th October, at 5.30 pm, the Natural History Museum of Zimbabwe opened a display about postcards, their history and fun facts to celebrate both the 150th anniversary of postcards and World Post Day.